Uc college application essay
Personal Writing Ideas
Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Steps to Improve Your Test-Taking Experience
When stepping through examinations it is significant for you to know and see first, the various types of test addresses you may experience and second, how you can help expand your capability of improving by realizing a couple of straightforward aptitudes to assist you with acing whatever test you might be confronted with. The three most normal various types of tests incorporate yet aren't constrained to; coordinating, different decision and exposition tests. In the following barely any body passages you will learn straightforward abilities that will assist you with seeing how to ace each test just as other general data that can help you when stepping through any sort of exam. During any test, as a matter of first importance you should peruse the bearings cautious. The greatest method to dispense with making imprudent blunders is to completely comprehend what the inquiries are posing and to adhere to all directions. We will initially talk about coordinating tests and the aptitudes expected to take them. During coordinating segments of tests it is simple for an understudy to become disheartened and occupied as a result of the degree of information it appears to take to respond to these test questions. One beneficial thing to recollect about coordinating inquiries anyway is that most coordinating inquiries are generally separated sentences, so giving close consideration to linguistic pieces of information is critical. Additionally staying alert that much of the time a long inquiry isn't matched with a long answer. By and large if the inquiry is long, the appropriate response is short and the other way around. One last accommodating insight during coordinating segments of tests is stamping out utilized answers, this is useful in wiping out repetition except if the headings explicitly state a few answers might be utilize more than once. Second are different decision tests. Different decision tests are generally basic in school courses and require a great deal of regard for guarantee getting a passing mark. Again first, read all bearings. In the event that you are uncertain about what the test is asking, request explanation from the teacher. A decent method to start stepping through a various decision examination is to peruse the entirety of the inquiries before endeavoring to address any inquiries. Perusing the inquiries once is a decent method to prepare your psyche dynamic and to examine and analyze each question. When you've perused the inquiries you are prepared to re read the test questions and this time perusing every conceivable response for each question. Without perusing every conceivable answer and picking an answer before you are aware of such are conceivable, you are setting yourself up to pass up on the chance to discover an answer that might be better than the one you've picked. When rehashing test questions and perusing every conceivable answer it's a decent certainty promoter to stamp â€Å"sure thing†answers first. At the point when you are unquestionably responding to questions you know are valid, you are bound to have more certainty wandering onto questions you may not make certain of yet. After you've denoted the entirety of your â€Å"sure thing†answers, you may need to rehash the inquiries and answers a second or third an ideal opportunity to audit of any inquiries you may now realize the responses to since you've cycled back more than once. Simply after you've denoted the entirety of your â€Å"sure thing†answers will you start to need to search for pieces of information to respond to the rest of the inquiries you are as yet uncertain of. Focusing on syntactic signals help as a rule just as partitioned setting (various decision addresses that may expect you to complete a sentence) or varying arrangements (numerous decision addresses that may request that you recognize some falsehood, or questions that contain twofold negatives to confound the test taker). In situations when you don't know of an answer and there is a possibility for â€Å"all of the above†, it is your most secure wagered to picked this answer. Additionally when managing numbers, for example, rates in insights, it is normally shrewd if all else fails to picked the center term as a potential answer. In the event that you are as yet uncertain of your answer start by disposing of clearly wrong answers first and take out answers from that point. The third, last and most likely hardest test to ace is the exposition test. Perusing and seeing all headings and rules is basic, particularly in paper tests. By and large when you initially start a paper test you have numerous thoughts gliding around including significant realities and additionally potential thoughts you need to communicate in your article, since exposition tests require your full focus it's consistently a smart thought to write down potential thoughts you may have so you won't overlook them and your psyche is liberated from pointless mess. It's in every case best to begin with the most effortless inquiries first to pick up force in your test and to kick off your inventive reasoning procedure. A significant part of paper tests is as far as possible you are given, It's anything but difficult to lose rack of time anyway not completing you entire exposition or communicating your significant focuses in your article might be inconvenient to the evaluation of your paper. A decent method to guarantee you have the opportunity to save is taking on a steady speed. Another path is to dismiss your presentation as well as decision passages a d hop directly into the point(s) you are attempting to make. Utilize strong proof to help your contentions/focuses and attempt to evade genuine beliefs in you exposition. In any sort of test circumstances, may it be from the ones audited above or another, a few hints are useful in each test circumstance. Ensuring your name is on your test may appear as though an adolescent point to make yet it a dditionally shouldn't be the explanation behind you test to be tossed out or given a bombing grade. Understanding a perusing all bearings is a point that can never be focused on enough just as understanding the idea of each kind of inquiry that is being posed. Beginning with the most straightforward inquiries and working your way to the hardest is a decent method to oversee time just as give yourself the additional increase in certainty expected to shake off a bad case of nerves during a test. Never re-think yourself except if you are certain beyond a shadow of a doubt your subsequent answer is correct. Ordinarily when you re-think your first intuition it is out of dread of your test not â€Å"looking right†or out of test uneasiness making you over break down your answers. Get explanation in the event that you are uncertain about something yet make certain to just approach your teacher for explanation, talking with a cohort can be viewed as cheating. Take on a steady speed to stay away from thoughtless errors and on the off chance that you have additional time, use it to twofold check your answers. By following these means you make certain to have a significantly more wonderful and loosening up test taking experience.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Origin of the Kingdom of Kush’s Religion Essay
Kushite religion was a blend of antiquated Egyptian strict conventions and divine beings with customary Nubian customs and convictions. Archeological proof shows that slam cliques held a lot of significance for the Nubians preceding the Egyptian destruction. So as to approve their case over Nubia, the Egyptians connected their god Amun with the Nubian smash religions. Hundreds of years after the fact, the Napatans switched the jobs and utilized Amun to guarantee prevalence over Egypt. The slam headed Amun was revered all over Nubia during the New Kingdom and Kushite periods. Amun, the god who allowed sovereignty was considered the most significant in the Kushite pantheon, in any case, he was not by any means the only Egyptian god adored. During the Meroitic time frame, neighborhood Nubian divine beings assumed their exemplary position in the pantheon. Apedemak, the lion headed lord of war was the most celebrated. Until the Meroitic language is deciphered, next to no can be comprehend ed of their religion and divine beings other than that they were adored in a way like those of Egypt, went to by clerics in extreme sanctuaries. Starting point of the Kingdom of Kush’s Religion Kushite religion was a mix of old Egyptian strict conventions and divine beings with customary Nubian customs and convictions. Archeological proof shows that slam cliques held a lot of significance for the Nubians preceding the Egyptian thrashing. So as to approve their case over Nubia, the Egyptians connected their god Amun with the Nubian slam religions. Hundreds of years after the fact, the Napatans switched the jobs and utilized Amun to guarantee prevalence over Egypt. The smash headed Amun was loved all over Nubia during the New Kingdom and Kushite periods. Amun, the god who conceded authority was considered the most significant in the Kushite pantheon, be that as it may, he was not by any means the only Egyptian god adored. During the Meroitic time frame, neighborhood Nubian divine beings assumed their upright position in the pantheon. Apedemak, the lion headed divine force of war was the most celebrated. Until the Meroitic language is deciphered, next to no can be comprehended of their religion and divine beings other than that they were loved in a way like those of Egypt, went to by ministers in extreme sanctuaries.
Tuesday, August 4, 2020
Best Book Blogs for Avid Readers
Best Book Blogs for Avid Readers For those of us lost in the world of fiction, the question will always be, What should I read next? To that end, we search the depths of second-hand bookstores. We scour our local libraries, or the Amazon best-seller list and recommended purchases. We do this not simply to find a book that we will enjoy, but almost always to find a novel which strikes the same spark in our heart as the last masterpiece (the one which has now been read so often and so thoroughly that the pages have come loose in their binding).To that end, Silent Book Club, Bookanista and Book Smugglers are here to help. These three websites scratch the itch of the endlessly-reading reader; and they provide more than just a blog â€" they provide a cozy community of fellow readers.Silent Book ClubSilent Book Club is a website for readers like us (often introverted, sometimes too introverted) to come together and discuss their current favorite novels, and to find the next piece of fiction that really blows us away. The website boasts more than thirty active chapters, from London, England to Nagoya, Japan, which come together (usually monthly) to discuss their latest read. Silent Book Club has an active Facebook group, and they post regularly on Instagram and Twitter.For those of us with our fingers on the pulse of the book world, Silent Book Clubs use of social media is indispensable. It keeps its readers up to date on events, meetups and attractions in the world of reading and publishing. Still, the book club is growing, and though it has already stretched worldwide, the presence of a chapter in your hometown might be lacking. No matter! Silent Book Club will help you set up your own official chapter, and help you create a new tradition (your own personal meetup) in your neighborhood.This all seems too good to be true, and of course, cynical minds immediately begin whirring: we ask questions about where the site finds its profits, or what supports this community. The answer is that they run a sma ll merchandise shop, and those proceeds go toward supporting volunteers, which keep the whole community running smoothly. Its a cute little e-shop with a selection of kitschy bookmarks, postcards and handbags (and, of course, the occasional book).Other than these optional purchases to support the community, all the services offered by the silent book club are free of charge. In fact, without even submitting an e-mail address, you can browse their calendar of meetups and find the one nearest you. This great community provides the opportunity, without commitment, for us to crawl out of our favorite arm-chair (the one we sunk into years ago and have now fortified with a particular side-table for our tea, an arm upon which the cat perches, and a bag at the side filled with knitting projects).On top of this call to action, to bring us out to the meetups, the silent book club boasts a warm blog: a welcome resource for readers. Each article is written by volunteers from the various silent book club chapters, and if you start your own chapter, then you can contribute to the blog yourself. Though often insightful, because of the volunteer nature of the contributions, updates are sporadic â€" sometimes they come too fast to keep up with, and other times lag to only a single update each month. Still, when the articles are posted, they offer unique insight into the author of the post, and that writers book club.One recent article, written by the organizer of the Portland, Maine chapter, gives a wonderful overview of influential poets throughout the years. It was written for poetry month and includes excerpts by which to judge each of the poets, and gauge ones interest before delving more deeply into their works.Most articles discuss comfortable topics like what to read next and offer insightful critiques written on new works of fiction. Others delve into matters of political interest, in the reading and writing world. For example, a short series of posts called Read the W orld, gives details about historical publishing in nations and geographic areas, and suggests where one might begin if they want to explore the fiction of a certain area. Further still, other posts discuss the rise of audiobooks, and their place in the silent book club; they give details on how to host your own silent book club, and what makes the meetups successful. Other articles address the We Will Not Be Silent campaign, which offers a toolbox to activists, as well as hard-hitting subjects such as the effect of literature on children and on developing minds.Finally, I have personally found Silent Book Clubs presence on Facebook to be incredibly beneficial. The core Facebook group @silentbookclub is one resource: it offers updates on all the events which the silent book club promotes, and it helps us introverts look ahead to getting out of the house (and plan out our busy week so we can make time for the meetups); it brings book news like releases and author interviews convenient ly into our Facebook feed; and it gives the opportunity (without being pushy) to participate in demonstrations or political activism.Beyond this core group, however, are a network of smaller silent book club groups, one for each chapter. These are usually beyond amazing. Just by making a quick search in Facebook, I stumbled on three silent book club chapters, all with very active Facebook groups. One was in my home city, and each of the other two were within quick driving distance. These sub-communities are the result of the natural branching and expanding of a good idea. Like a good book, readers know that a good idea should be shared.BookanistaThe writers at Bookanista.com refer to their site as a web magazine (as opposed to a blog). This professional demeanour isnt simply a pretentious grab for new readers: their posts are closer to scholarly journal entries than the topical discussions of many bloggers, and they take a deep dive into each discussion.That being said, its less lik ely that youll find a new read in a quick skim of Bookanista. The themes and discussions on the site are often much wider, addressing issues of mental illness and gender in novels, and delving into ideas such as ambiguity in writing, and the pitfalls of considering everyone who writes a poem, a poet. With an archive stretching back to 2015, and an extensive collection of short stories and extracts, Bookanista has content to spare. There is bound to be something on the site which snags any readaholics imagination, and because of their reputation, Bookanista is often one of the first sites to get review copies and exclusive excerpts from new authors.Similarly, if you are the kind of reader who devours all the works of an author before moving on, but youve run out of your favorite writers works, then Bookanista might be able to find you a new literary love. Their author interviews are a source of insight into the latest trends in publishing and up-coming novels. They often obscure the work itself in favor of addressing the authors method, or their stylistic choices. Rather than attempt to describe the works of each author, they let the novels and short stories speak for themselves, publishing short pieces of fiction alongside interviews and articles. Everything on Bookanista is free, and well worth a look.The Book SmugglersTheBookSmugglers.com describe themselves as, A book review blog specializing in speculative fiction and popgeekery for all ages since 2008; A digital-first publisher of speculative fiction and nonfiction since 2014; the 2017 Hugo Nominee for best Semiprozine; and a duo of awesomely badass book nerds. Their blog posts focus on new works, but especially science fiction and fantasy. For those looking for their next great read, their current headlining article is a piece called X Marks the Story, which seeks to pair the reader with excellent short fiction, to hopefully bridge the gap between great novels.On top of their blog, the book smugglers are a publishing house with a focus on digital press. They offer book reviews for newly published novels, and support authors by showing off full and partial works on their site, in addition to longer works published by the book smuggler online imprint.Like Bookanista, the book smugglers host a collection of short fiction on their site in a section called Gods and Monsters. This section is worth a quick look, and if you are a fantasy or science fiction buff, it warrants a much longer look. The short stories included in Gods and Monsters are each written by different authors, but always play with similar themes. From religion, to humanity, to serial killers or werewolves, each story is focussed on gods and monsters, either literally or figuratively (or both). Just a quick glance at this portion of the site will find you in the company of dozens of well-polished, professionally edited shorter fictions.The wider communityThe blogs discussed here are not where these communities end. Silent book club, Bookanista and The Book Smugglers have a network of readers which place an emphasis on doing. Each of these sites is concerned with getting out of your chair and making change alongside like-minded individuals â€" or just on getting out of the house and swapping books with new friends. To this end, Silent Book Club is anything but silent within the Twitterverse. They have cultivated a massive network of friendships, bringing together dozens of sites, each with a similar attitude towards reading. Each of these three excellent blogs boast very active Twitter handles. Silent Book Club at @readwinerepeat, @bookanista, and @booksmugglers bring together a wealth of related content and inspiring images. Browsing through their combined Twitter profiles is a sure method to link a reader to a community in their geographic area, or a cause which interests them and brings them out of their shell. We all have something which gets us fired up and out of the house, and these communitie s provide valuable links to those places and people which help to establish communities of readers.In short, reading can be isolating, but it can also be the bridge of shared experience that brings like-minded individuals together in service of a cause, or to discuss the matters which are important to us. Getting out of our arm chair may be a bit uncomfortable, but so long as it means a quiet read, with those who had to struggle out of their own comfy armchair; and as long as it means a glass of good wine, and the presence of good companions; as long as the silent book club, Bookanista and the book smugglers are asking these things of us, I think we can find some time to meet in the real world (or at the very least on twitter), even if it is only to discuss the fictional worlds we love.
Saturday, May 23, 2020
Human Resource Management Development Into A Prevailing...
Consequently, is it not surprising that the literature of the 1990s points to human resource management’s development into a prevailing application of research. Marciano (1995) suggests that human resource management had practically displaced â€Å"personnel and in many schools threatening to supplant industrial relations and organizational behavior†(p. 223). Yet, at the same time defining human resource management was elusive with the inability â€Å"in identifying its boundaries, or in distinguishing it from related disciplines†(p. 223). Conversely, the literature turns its attention to the association between human resource management and â€Å"performance often incorporating aspects of business and HR strategy†as illustrated by Guest (1999),†¦show more content†¦20). Previous years, working for a company meant that an employee had assurances that they would have employment without the risk of losing their job, including opportunities for advancement, which â€Å"have been replaced with faint promises of trust†(p. 20) and â€Å"as a result, relationships with employees become transitional with employees giving their time and not much more†(p. 20). Aghazadeh (1999) also suggests that â€Å"operating managers and HR professionals†(p. 21) take responsibility for creating and maintaining a close collaboration to reconsider and reshape the numerous activities within an organization, including an affirmation towards the dedication and focus on results. Examination of the 21st century literature discovers a change in direction whereby the major focus of discussion revolves around the need for strategic approaches and further development of core competencies for human resource management, in the new millennium. Hays Kearney’s (2001) astute observations reveal that human resource management practices have continued to undergo infinite modifications. These frequent changes, according to Hays Kearney (2001), characterized a trend that predominantly embodied ubiquitous discontent with the profession, stemming from its conventional focus with limited procedures and the excessive exuberance imposing its policies. Nevertheless, the authors further indicate that due to external stresses such as the â€Å"fiscal crises, aShow MoreRelatedThe Position Analysis Of A Worker Oriented Approach For Gathering And Analyzing Job Information1540 Words  | 7 Pagesis to identify general job characteristics, and is primarily employed by human resource and personnel functions of organizations (Aamodt, 2012). The PAQ is not used by human resource functions for operational purposes, such as wok design or training programs, due to its generalized perspective on job analysis. 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He lays claim to the term action research which he coined in 1944 to try and explain the effect of social action and the factors that lead to the same. A spiral circle that comprises of action, planning and fact-finding was employed in Lewin’s action research. He also classified the leadership climates into democratic, authoritarian and laissez-faire and also cameRead MoreTraining and Development: Nigerian Banking Industry8775 Words  | 35 PagesTraining And Development: Nigerian Banking Industry Contents List of Figures 4 Abstract 5 Chapter 1- Introduction 6 Research Objectives 6 Structure of the work 6 Chapter 2: Literature Review 8 Theories of Training and Development 8 Definition of Training and Development 10 Usage of Training in Different Organizations And Different Sectors 10 Frameworks and Models for Training 11 Training Need Analysis 12 Training Design Model 13 Training Implementation 14 EvaluationRead MoreHealthcare Management2646 Words  | 11 PagesHEALTH CARE MANAGEMENT 2 Health Care Management Non Profit Introduction Health coverage has been a difficult issue since there is no real health care system that covers all citizens providing them with a comprehensive health care that includes prevention, promotion and preservation of solid state of health and wellness. Treatment of illness and injuries and disabilities, is more expensive in aspects such as emotional, economical and financial affecting not just the individual involved but alsoRead MoreThe Workplace Initiatives Of Chum Hum Australia Essay1545 Words  | 7 Pageswill present the issues Chum hum Australia is facing. In the next paragraph, alternatives for these problems will be addressed. Alongside their organization culture, the problems will focus on recruiting top engineers and finally on training and development. In addition to this, one or two practical solution or recommendations would be given, followed by a conclusion. Analysis: Firstly, evolving problem which is evident in Chum Hum Australia would be the culture. Even though they were world class initiativesRead MoreOverview of Progressive Learning1339 Words  | 5 Pagesworld (Sessa London, London). Competition can be regarded as a way of continuous learning. With prevailing competition in the market, one can understand and learn the varying business strategies used by the competitors. While the organization itself combating a competition it can provide opportunity for the individual to learn. Continuous learning helps to keep current with trends and developments in the business, keep the minds stimulated and going with current information and continuous thinking
Monday, May 11, 2020
Time and Distance Overcome - 1027 Words
Time and Distance Overcome Eula Biss discusses in her essay Time and Distance Overcome how the invention of the telephone ultimately resulted in one of the many racist acts in history. Black men were hung every day without even being guilty of charge. She certainly puts a lot of emphasis on describing these hangings which sort of makes her essay quite monotone, but in the end definitely makes this essay a lot more personal. I think that the purpose of this essay is to bring back the racial question which is still very present in our society today. The text in itself is quite symbolic. With the invention of the phone came the wire, and as she writes in the text Even now it is an impossible idea that we are all connected, all of us.†¦show more content†¦I think that the crucifix-like telephone poles was quite intentional. The society was largely based on the religious views of Christianity and perhaps this draws a parallel between the two, creating a contrast between the good of the church and the evil of human nature. The invention was hard for people to comprehend and it questioned everything that was considered the conventional wisdom. The people were, and are still today, afraid of change which meant that someone should be the fall guy. In the end this meant that the minority, the negroes as theyre referred to had to take the fall. Eula Biss describes the American concept Lynching. Lynching meant hanging people onto poles, trees, bridges and street poles. It was considered to be a punishment towards crimes, and as she writes in her essay: ...black men were lynched for crimes real and imagined.... Again, it was the negro minority who had to take the fall for the majoritys incompetence in coping with change. Because the society is constantly in change and even today people are afraid of this constant force. You have to be able to recognize and expose yourself which surely, for many people would be considered a fearful and scary thing to do. The invention of the telephone had both negative and positive outcomes. The telephone meant that the hurdle of not being able to communicate directly from point A to B disappeared. This was considered a huge step for the individual of thatShow MoreRelatedTime and Distance Overcome1014 Words  | 5 PagesTime and Distance Overcome Eula Biss discusses in her essay Time and Distance Overcome how the invention of the telephone ultimately resulted in one of the many racist acts in history. Black men were hung every day without even being guilty of charge. She certainly puts a lot of emphasis on describing these hangings which sort of makes her essay quite monotone, but in the end definitely makes this essay a lot more personal. I think that the purpose of this essay is to bring back the racial questionRead MoreTime and Distance Overcome1181 Words  | 5 Pages------------------------------------------------- 8. Essay – Time and Distance Overcome The relationship between white and black people in America is still today an ongoing issue, which can be traced back in history. Even though the issue isn’t as big as it was 50 years ago, it still has influence in America, in every perspective, both as individuals but also as a community. Today we have a black president in America, so America has changed, but how was that possible? And how is the relationshipRead MoreTime And Distance Overcome By Eula Biss Essay1519 Words  | 7 Pages We seem to be hyped up by the most recent innovations, mesmerized by the spectrum of conveniences and advantages that they can offer, without realizing the ominous aftermath of this ephemeral trend. In Eula Biss’ essay â€Å"Time and Distance Overcome,†an ingenious mind of the past sought to connect the households under a vast wire communication system to keep them more intact. When Alexander Graham Bell broadcasted the telephone and telephone poles with a grand project of con structing a social networkRead MoreCollege Distance Education Courses : Evaluating Benefits And Costs From Institutional, Faculty And Students Perspectives Written By Essay1482 Words  | 6 Pagesconsequences.†Now, what if we replaced â€Å"adulthood†with the term â€Å"higher education†, or more specifically, â€Å"distance education†? The words become almost synonymous when you define what it takes to succeed in either field. In the article, College Distance Education Courses: Evaluating Benefits and Costs from Institutional, Faculty and Students’ Perspectives written by Simon A. Lei and Rajeev K. 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An items business position is known to change after some time as is its profitability and the product life cycle is a theory to perceive particular phases of the sales history of an item (Lancaster Wesenlund, 1984). Lastly, the objective of this essay is to show the theoretical development in internationalizationRead MoreTherefore, dependent on the view of the person deciding the intensity of the light, other people800 Words  | 4 Pagestry to ensure that the distance between people is appropriate, think about the kind of relation you are expected to have with each other. If it is an informal relationship, there is more acceptability with the two of them being a little closer to one and other, or on the flip side if the relationship is expected to be more formal, then there is required to be a greater distance between them. A strength in this method would be that you can guess what the acceptable distance between two people shouldRead MoreHow to Win Emerging Market (Harvard Business Review)1122 Words  | 5 Pagesattractive target have already been snatched up by other multinationals (Ichii, Hattori, and Michael, 2012). It positively correlated with cultural distance theory which states t hat the investing firms will not want to cooperate with local partner if cultural distance increases. In fact, the more aggressive of the companies to merge and acquisitions in the right time and in the right place, the wider the gains on market share, distribution channels, capabilities and economies of scale. Third, in terms ofRead MoreA Comparison Of Sojourner Truth And Eula Biss1425 Words  | 6 Pagesor formed by the flawless hands of Godâ€â€depending on beliefâ€â€cruel citizens recognized differences and voiced their opinions. The controversy amongst racial, sexual, cultural and gender discrimination has circulated through history since the start of time. The variety of sexual orientations and cultures in America currently is overwhelming and confusing, but citizens must adjust. Through analyzing their literary work, Sojourner Truth and Eula Biss attempt to expose inequality, pertaining to women andRead MoreThe Importance Of Verbal And Nonverbal Communication1265 Wo rds  | 6 Pagescomponents of each, the differences between listening and hearing regarding communications. Also covered will be the formal and informal channels of communication that may be used within criminal justice organizations and implemented strategies used to overcome communication barriers therein. Verbal and nonverbal communication are the two main divisions of communication, and each specific realm deals with its own unique subject matters, symbols, behaviors, and processes. There are eight key forms of nonverbal
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Avatar- Movie Film Review Free Essays
Film Review By: Rutba Rahman Avatar is a 2009 science fiction film directed by James Cameron. The movie stars are Sam Worthington, Zoe Saldana and Sigourney Weaver. James Cameron’s movies have grossed approximately US $2 billion in North America. We will write a custom essay sample on Avatar- Movie Film Review or any similar topic only for you Order Now James Cameron’s previous films that he is known for are The Terminator (1984), True Lies (1994) and Titanic (1996). The purpose of Avatar is incarnation, in the movie it means that the future human technology is capable of injecting a human’s intelligence into a biological body. Avatar has shown incarnation beautifully and it has explained the Na’vi (extraterrestrial humans) correctly by showing their different lifestyle and behavior from humans. Avatar’s plot is that a disabled ex-marine named Jake Sully finds life on the planet Pandora, only to find him battling mankind with the planet’s Na’vi race. Jake is sent to learn their ways so that he can help relocate them and the humans can take over. Neytiri is the daughter of the Na’vi leaders Mo’at and Eytukan. She is brave, loyal and strong willed. When she meets Jake she begins to fall in love with him because of his bravery. Grace Augustine is a scientist who studies the plants and creatures of Pandora. She is the head of the avatar program, and she is peaceful with the Na’vi clan because she set up a school to teach them English. The characters in Avatar are believable characters, such as Jake Sully, Neytiri and Grace Augustine. Jake Sully is a believable character because he is charismatic, and acts as a strong leader, he is courageous because he takes a stand for what he has believes is wrong, and he is brave because he is willing to fight against the military. Neytri is a believable character because she is devoted to her people and is willing to put herself in a dangerous situation for the sake of her clan. Grace Augustine is also a believable character because she is very fond of and close to her Na’vi students. The actors’ interpretation of the characters is remarkable. Zoe Saldana plays the heroine Neytiri. Zoe Saldana gave an emotional and strong performance throughout the movie. Sam Worthington plays the hero Jake Sully in the movie. Sam has shown outstanding interpretation for Jake because he has an intuitive quality that makes the audience believe that people would follow him. He was handpicked by James Cameron because he had sensitivity, vulnerability and strength. The Cinematographer for Avatar is Mauro Fiore. The film’s central challenge is depicting an imaginary and digitally crafted world with a persistent sense of realism. At first the Na’vi species were drawn with fins and gills. Then they were redesigned to look more like humans so the audience could relate to them better. James Cameron developed a specially designed camera that allowed the facial expressions of the actors to be captured and digitally recorded for the animators to use later. The entire background of Pandora’s floating mountains, including the light source is represented on set only by a green screen. Every scene involved some sort of interactive light. James Horner created a soundtrack that reflected the Na’vi way of sound and he created a small chorus singing in the alien language Na’vi. The main theme of the movie is Human Vs Nature. The destruction of the natural world will lead ultimately to the destruction of mankind. The film’s strong points are the Special Effects because they are incredible and used well. They are weaved into the story beautifully, and they come off effortlessly. The acting was done extremely well. Much of the actors’ emotions could be seen through their Avatar characters. The details were thought out and used as a part of the environment. James Cameron has truly created his own world. The audience truly feels as if they have been transported into a new world while watching the film. The low points of the movie were the negative action, because of the inhumanity being shown, such as destruction and violence. The story is efficiently developed but the film is easily overshadowed by special effects. I would recommend this movie to others because the entire story is fantastic. The significant message of this movie is that all living things are connected and those who seek to exploit nature rather than respect it, will only destroy themselves. I would rate this film 10/10 because I think it’s a great achievement and it has produced a great effort to make. How to cite Avatar- Movie Film Review, Papers
Thursday, April 30, 2020
Antigone The True Tragic Hero In Sophocles Antig Essay Example For Students
Antigone: The True Tragic Hero In Sophocles Antig Essay one Antigone: The True Tragic Hero In Sophocles Antig Essayone In Sophocles Antigone, the question of who the tragic hero really is, has been a subject of debate for a great number years. Creon does possess some of the qualities that constitute a tragic hero but unfortunately does not completely fit into the role. Antigone, however, possesses all the aspects of a tragic hero. These are, having a high social position, not being overly good or bad, being persistent in their actions, arousing pity in the audience, a revelatory manifestation, and having a single flaw that brings about their own demise and the demise of others around them. Antigone possesses all of these traits therefore qualifying as the tragic hero. The first qualifying aspect is that Antigone is of a high social standing in Thebes. Creon himself refers to her as a princess though she is technically no longer one. Because of her high standing she is capable of great suffering, in that she has a lot of fame and regard to lose. Those who say Creon is the tragic hero say that Antigone is no longer in a high position in the society, therefore does not qualify on that account. If the character had needed to be in a high political position this would be true, but they need only have a great deal to lose in their downfall. Although she may no longer hold political power Antigone is still a powerful figure in Thebes, since she was to be married to Creons son Haemon and the whole city seemed to know how tragic her life had become. Antigone and Creon would qualify as the tragic hero if the only requirement was not being overly good or bad. Creon shows his negative side when he refuses to bury Polyneices and when he speaks to the sentry. His positive side is shown in his obvious affection for Antigone and Ismene. Antigones ungodly side is shown by her incestuous behavior with her brother Polyneices. Her positive side is shown by the way the she insists on respecting his right to be buried in the religious tradition of Greece so that his soul may live on in the afterlife. Another aspect of a tragic hero is an unwavering course of action, most likely caused by their flaw, that brings about their demise and the demise of those around them. Antigones flaw is her rash and headstrong behavior. This is the source of the conflict in the play. Had Antigone asked Creon for permission to bury Polyneices in observance of the Greek role in religious life he would have probably allowed it. Instead, she rashly decided to take matters into her own hands, most likely because of her anger in losing the true love of her life. This aspect also emerges later in the play, when Antigone decides to kill herself in the tomb rather than give Creon the satisfaction of the deed. Had she not been so recklessly hasty she would have been spared her life by Creon, who was on his way to free Antigone and have Polyneices given a proper burial. Creon does not have a persistent nature, and therefore could not be the Aristotelian tragic hero. His ineptness as a ruler is prevalent in the way he wavers on the topic of Polyneices burial. In the beginning he seems very stubborn, which some say is one of the fatal flaws that qualify him as a tragic hero, but later changes his mind. The true tragic hero would stick to their fatal flaw, like Antigone did, until their complete demise. As far as the issue of arising pity in the audience and in other characters, it is clear that Antigone clearly wins over Creon in the arena of intensity of emotion. All of Thebes sympathizes with Antigone, especially after she has been sentenced to death. .u2130efa1389c9777c9dde99fa204d660 , .u2130efa1389c9777c9dde99fa204d660 .postImageUrl , .u2130efa1389c9777c9dde99fa204d660 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u2130efa1389c9777c9dde99fa204d660 , .u2130efa1389c9777c9dde99fa204d660:hover , .u2130efa1389c9777c9dde99fa204d660:visited , .u2130efa1389c9777c9dde99fa204d660:active { border:0!important; } .u2130efa1389c9777c9dde99fa204d660 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u2130efa1389c9777c9dde99fa204d660 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u2130efa1389c9777c9dde99fa204d660:active , .u2130efa1389c9777c9dde99fa204d660:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u2130efa1389c9777c9dde99fa204d660 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u2130efa1389c9777c9dde99fa204d660 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u2130efa1389c9777c9dde99fa204d660 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u2130efa1389c9777c9dde99fa204d660 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(https://artscolumbia.org/wp-content/plugins/intelly-related-posts/assets/images/simple-arrow.png)no-repeat; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u2130efa1389c9777c9dde99fa204d660:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u2130efa1389c9777c9dde99fa204d660 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u2130efa1389c9777c9dde99fa204d660 .u2130efa1389c9777c9dde99fa204d660-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u2130efa1389c9777c9dde99fa204d660:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Sociology factors Essay Haemon himself tells his father And I have heard them, muttering and whisperingThey say no woman has ever, so unreasonably, died so shameful a death for a generous act(Scene 3. 61-4). It is obvious that she had the pity of the entire city except for Creon. Creon, however, is not sympathized with at all .
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