Sunday, January 26, 2020
Sexual harassment at work
Sexual harassment at work Sexual Harassment In todays society, men in the organisation understand how to achieve higher positions than women. Indeed, culturally, character, style and ability between men and women are clearly different. There are several things that cause men to be more superior to women, regardless of physical affairs. For example, men are more rational and realistic, more competitive, more courageous, more initiative, and more aggressive. But that does not mean women should always be less than men. As women who live in the modern era of today, there should be a pathway to higher position and achievement in their careers. However women still need to be aware of various barriers that may prevent them from doing so. Nowadays, jobs such as director, manager or even chief executive officer (CEO) position are open to those women capable of filling these demanding positions. Now that women have slowly begun to make their way into organisation studies, the rate of issue such as sexual harassment is now becoming more popular, â€Å"when men and women involve in an emotional closeness may be a positive experience, but sexual harassment is not. Sexual harassment is illegal (Samson Daft, 2006). This assignment will further discuss how the issue of sexual harassment has an effect on womens participation in the workplace. Sexual harassment is any form of sexual connotation or behaviour that may be unilateral and unwanted by the person targeted. The result of sexual abuse may lead victims to feel ashamed, angry, humiliated, offended, and disgusted with the perpetrator. Sexual harassment can happen at any and all levels of an organisation. Women who are moving up the corporate hierarchy by entering male-dominated industries report a high frequency of harassment (Samson Daft, 2006). The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) combats sexual harassment by making illegal the acceptance of harassment as a condition of employment, using compliance or not to affect employment decisions with regard to the individual or creating a hostile working environment which may affect the individual performance. Itzin (1995) conducted a major research project with an aim to improving womens position within a local authority organisation. Itzin describes a five part methodology using a survey, interviews, group discussions, statistical data and participant observation to explore the culture and practices of the organisation and to collect data on the position and experience of women. According to Itzins survey results (1995, p.33), the majority of women in the organisation were ‘breadwinners, they work either to support themselves or their families. Most women said they work because they want ‘to pursue a career and ‘self fulfilment. Therefore by looking at this result, Itzin (1995, p.33) suggested ‘that there may be a little difference between the reasons why men and women work and the economic and emotional significance which they attach to their work.†Aside from sexual harassment there are various reasons why women are still far behind men. Through this table (1995, p.34) and diagram, Itzin shows the percentage of women had worked for the local authority for more than seven years and still yet not made any progression to their career . Reasons for women not applying for or not getting another job Reasons % At a disadvantage because of job sharing 5 Lack of encouragement 8 Obstruction from supervisors 8 Sexist Attitudes 8 Racist Attitudes 9 Lack of confidence 24 Lack of interview or job application skills 28 Lack of skills or qualifications necessary for the job 28 Promotion is all what it takes for women to achcieve a higher position. Male management restrict womens chances of prmotion by not providing suitable child care facilities or flexible school holiday arrangements. Itzin (1995, p.38) stated that â€Å"Managers do not encourage women to go for promotion,they said, or administrative staff to cross over into profession. They drew attention to the fact that ‘admin is dominated by women, but men are at the senior level.They thought women were better organizers and lateral thinkers than men, but management jobs were less attractive to women because they take you away from dealing with people and consequently provide less job satisfication.†According to Itzin, Women have to out performed men to get equal recognition and position and tend to have less power than men in the same position. Even though sex segregation is not exactly sexual harassment, but it is still discriminates against women in the organisation. Williams (1995) says that sex segregation almost always occurs in every organization and workplace, where males are in higher positions with higher salaries than women. There are various researches that show that sex segregation is a major obstacle for career women. This manifests as inequality in terms of salary, authority, opportunity in promotions and career advancement. Women are more often placed in a lower position with a smaller salary and without the opportunity to gain promotion (Hossain Kusakabe, 2005). Glass Ceiling discrimination may leads women to have feelings of low self-esteem, slowing down of interest in their jobs and decreased their motivation. The glass ceiling effect is a distinct limiter to a womans advancement into the higher level of corporate management and directorship. ‘â€Å"Ceiling†stresses the limitation of upward progress a woman is subjected to and â€Å"glass†refers to the fact that though the limitation is apparently not written in any rule book, it is nevertheless a defeated fact understood by both the sexes. (ayushveda, 2009). In theory, the effect of the glass ceiling can generally be viewed from two sides such as the demand side and supply side. On the demand side, from outside of the womans appearance, such as discrimination in the workplace, a culture of office man who is very dominant, work rules, and so forth. The glass ceiling in some cases can usually be overcome by using the supply side; it is something that is offered by the woman herself. These aspects include the choice of labour supply, quality of resources, skills possessed, and so forth. Every company toughest challenge that they need to face is to deal with sexual harassment issues. One of the best ways to prevent this situation is to make a sexual harassment policy. Companies must make a written rule that contains the companys commitment to prevent sexual harassment in the workplace. The content of the policy should include the notion of what constitutes sexual harassment, grievance procedures, and punishments that should be meted out to the perpetrators. It should also have counselling available to the victims and the assurance that the complaint made is confidential. Ensure all employees, supervisors, managers, directors, clients are aware of the written rules. Hence the human resource people need to take serious action to ensure that rules are obeyed. In conclusion, there are many courses of action that can be taken by companies and individuals in addressing issues such as sexual harassment and sex discrimination in the workplace. One important thing to note is that the right to pursue a career does not solely belong to men but women are also equally entitled. Although awareness in the workplace of womens right is growing, there is still much to be done to truly have equal opportunity without the threat of sexual harassment and discrimination for women.
Saturday, January 18, 2020
Psychosocial Impact of Television on Children Essay
Television was once considered a luxury item, however, today is just a commodity. Even low income households have one television set, not only for entertainment but to keep in touch with the happenings around the world. Television, like any other technological advancement, bought with it negatives and positives to the society. It was once only used as a medium of news and light entertainment, mostly by the elders of a household. Now though it has expanded its purpose and is now commonly used for various purposes by all age groups. As mentioned in earlier conclusions, television itself is not a harmful device; previous studies have shown that its own effects are neither positive nor negative. However, it is the programmes that are aired that effect the society; especially on the physical and psychological well-being of the younger generations. Research papers, different forms of studies and articles have found the effects of television both, harmful and useful, on the development of a child. Even the primary research done through qualitative method of interviewing proved that television has no connection between the style and attention of parents. Instead the parents remained intact with the activities of their children regardless of their television watching habits. This discussion highlights various positives and negatives of television usage by the children. Krosnick, Anand and Hartl (2003) have identified three psychosocial â€Å"predictors†of viewing television. The first one they say is the â€Å"need satisfaction,†which occurs due to lack in the ability to socially interacting with peers, over intelligence, and to avoid parental punishment. â€Å"Parental influence†was nominated as the second one where absence of parental guidance and rules lead to increase in watching television. The last one was â€Å"resource availability†where it was found that it has no link with the overall income of the household. Gupta, Saini, Acharya and Miglani (1994) have identified almost all positives and negatives within two paragraphs of their research paper. They define the most positive effects of television watching as an aid to the development of â€Å"cognitive†ability, a source of â€Å"information†, â€Å"knowledge†and â€Å"skill†development. They mention that it also generates the desire of â€Å"learning†and ‘imparts general awareness. †It can also have a positive effect on the â€Å"attitudes and behavior†of the child while advancing â€Å"conceptual and concrete thinking. †They then highlight the negatives as the excuse to let go of â€Å"reading, playing, exercising, and studying†; thus giving rise to a â€Å"passive†behavior. When children continue watching television their â€Å"social interaction†may decline and their eating habits can also be harmed. A pre-TV introduction (age 3-4) and post-TV introduction (age 7-8) study was conducted by Gunter, Charlton, Coles and Panting (2000). Their study results show that the effects (positives and negatives) are usually according to the gender of the child. A more â€Å"antisocial behavior†was witnessed in the boys after the introduction of the TV; whereas the girls’ social behavior was unaffected. Both of the genders however did not display any â€Å"inter-gender difference. †The researchers saw that â€Å"cartoon viewing†was highly linked to â€Å"pre-TV antisocial behavior†and â€Å"post-TV neuroticism levels. †This did not change even when the viewing of â€Å"violent acts†was â€Å"controlled†; thus proving that the presence of any â€Å"nonviolent ingredient†had an effect on the â€Å"unruly children. †Watching cartoons was also related to decrease in the level of anxiety among children. The minds, values, thinking styles, and even social behavior are continuously developing at early age. Due to this it can be greatly affected by the elements present in the life of the child. They are â€Å"vulnerable†to the information â€Å"conveyed through television†, and it may cause a long-term effect. As their views and perceptions are not developed yet they cannot distinguish between the reality and the made-up stuff (Team headed by Baron, 2001). The paper also mentions that almost â€Å"two-third†of the programmes that are aired contain violent acts of some sort, out of which most â€Å"shows†are for children. It would have been a learning experience if the bad guys are punished severely, but at times they are set free without punishment and â€Å"violence†is shown as part of a â€Å"glamorized†world. According to APA (2004) by viewing violent behavior repeatedly children can become immune towards the â€Å"pain and suffering of others,†at the same time they can also become â€Å"fearful of the world around them. †This proves that it is not necessary that the depiction of the violent acts can cause harm in more than one ways. Children can also become stressed, depressed, or pessimistic due to the negativity being imposed. They might start judging people and world as a bad place which has nothing to offer but pain and misery to the innocent people. Hussain (2007) says that the â€Å"exposure to violence†and the glory of bad guy makes children start to portray aggressive and violent behavior assuming that it is socially accepted and â€Å"normal. †Viewing of television has also been known to cause â€Å"Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD),†which is described as â€Å"inattentiveness, lack of impulse control, and hyperactivity. †ADHD has been known to cause problems in learning and educational field. Television watching can also have a negative impact on the health of a child (Team headed by Baron, 2001). It can lead to a belief that looking like actors and models is beauty; thus taking away the innocence of a child. This has really negative effects on females who start developing â€Å"body concept and self-image†and start â€Å"dieting†at a very early age. Another social disadvantage is the division that this body image will cause amongst the children. At a very early age they will start distinguishing their peers as fat, skinny, chubby, beautiful and ugly and this trait will strengthen as they grow older. Another problem related to health and social issues is that of sexuality as mentioned by CPS (2003). Children hear the word sex on television for the first time rather than from their health care provider or parents. It has taken the role of the sex educator. Movies, shows, and even kids cartoon characters are shown as involved in sexual acts. Children are led to believe that it is â€Å"normal and risk-free,†and â€Å"everybody does it. †This has lead to increasing number of sexually active individuals than ever. Strasburger (1995) has selected the sexuality related data in a table which shows the influence of television on the sexual acts at early age.
Friday, January 10, 2020
The Pitfall of Fictional Narrative Essay Topics
The Pitfall of Fictional Narrative Essay Topics Circulate around the room to make certain that students understand the activity and stay on-task. Narrative essays are some of the the most common sorts of writing assignments--and not just in freshman composition courses. In college you are going to be expected to compose many assignments. Writing in the very first person provides you with the chance to narrate events like they were happening at exactly the same moment. Write down events you wish to discuss. After discovering our website, you will no longer will need to bother friends and family with these kinds of requests. Our customer support will gladly tell you whether there are any special offers at the present time, in addition to make sure you are getting the very best service our company may deliver. You should have your reasons, and our principal concern is that you find yourself getting an excellent grade. If you decide to compose an essay that explains the best way to do something, you're going to be writing a directive process paper. You may use the identical approach to writing about other sorts of situations that cause a more optimistic outcome. Also, not knowing the structure of a suitable essay can produce the process hard and uninteresting. Selecting a topic is the very first and foremost step to find the procedure started. The very first step in writing a thriving process paper is determining what sort of process paper you will write. With a tiny practice that next writing assignment is going to be a breeze. There are several exciting ideas supplied for you online and now is your opportunity to utilize your creativity to spell out a personal experience and think of a riveting bit of writing that is uniquely yours. The student should make effective use of whitespace and there needs to be total coherence in the whole thought approach. The Upside to Fictional Narrative Essay Topics Write about a time once you felt to be an outsider. Bear in mind a topic can help determine the result of a narrative. Make certain you get to create your point. No matter your distinctive trait, if it enables you to stand from the crowd, it's well worth sharing. It's personal enough, it enables you to play with words, and it's both interesting and edifying for the general public. A good example of heroism for me. Afterwards, share the last class narrative with other people. Finding the Best Fictional Narrative Essay Topics Teaching is a superb art which could provide a reward. Narrative essay topics for college students include text that tells a story and that permits you to share your own personal experience. One thing you could do is to opt for a title after doing the entire essay. Let's look at some narrative essay topics in every single category to assist you tell your very own riveting story! To assist you come up with the very best essay ever, we've gathered a list of the most fascinating narrative essay topics. Morality Essay Topics Morality is a topic that's near and dear to lots of individuals. It's also advisable to have a good comprehension of how to compose a narrative essay that stands out. After you've chosen a narrative subject, you're prepared to get started writing your essay! There's no need to discover extraordinary stories to compose a narrative essay that's interesting to read. It's tricky to pick just 1 topic whenever there are so many you could write about. Observing the outline can help you compose a high-quality essay and diagram from this short article can act as a visual clue you may use to compose your work. There's literally no lack of narrative essay topics to pick from, as listed below.
Wednesday, January 1, 2020
Charles W. Chestnutts The Marrow of Tradition Essay
Charles W. Chestnutts The Marrow of Tradition Clearly, one can expect differing critical views of a novel; from the authors perspective we see one view, from a publishers another, and from the reviewers yet another. This is especially true of Charles W. Chesnutts The Marrow of Tradition. If one observes both the contemporary reviews of the novel and letters exchanged between Chesnutt and his friends and publisher, Houghton, Mifflin, and Co., one will see the disparity in opinions regarding the work. Chesnutt himself felt the work was of at least good quality, and remarked often of its significant purpose in letters to†¦show more content†¦Reflecting upon the title of this essay, The American People Are Too Sensible to Waste Their Time Upon Such Silly Rot, taken from the review of The Marrow of Tradition by Katherine Glover, it is interesting to note that the novel did receive a certain amount of public success. Chesnutt revealed the popularity of the novel to daughter Ethel in October of its publication year (prior to the reviews cited here). The line from Glovers review is obviously a mean-spirited attack by a racist reviewer, and is ultimately ironic in that it did not accurately depict the sentiments of the reading public. And in a series of letters to Booker T. Washington Chesnutt expresses his belief that the novel has helped him to arrive as a popular novelist. He also notes the probable popularity of the novel in a letter to his publisher in November 1901. All of the reviews presented here, and Chesnutts own letters, bring to light the sometimes apparent gap between what is achieved in the realm of quality and what is achieved in purpose. Clearly, with few exceptions, The Marrow of Tradition was perceived as a purpose novel, one which proposed to uncover the
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