Saturday, November 30, 2019
Their Eyes Were Watching God Research Paper Essays -
Their Eyes Were Watching God Research Paper Their Eyes Were Watching God Research Paper Zora Neale Hurston's "Their Eyes Were Watching God" Research Paper "I am Me, My Eyes Toward God" Mark Evans Zora Neale Hurston an early twentieth century Afro-American feminist author, was raised in a predominately black community which gave her an unique perspective on race relations, evident in her novel, Their Eyes Were Watching God. Hurston drew on her on experiences as a feminist Afro-American female to create a story about the magical transformation of Janie, from a young unconfident girl to a thriving woman. Janie experiences many things that make her a compelling character who takes readers along as her companion, on her voyage to discover the mysteries and rewards life has to offer. Zora Neale Hurston was, the daughter of a Baptist minister and an educated scholar who still believed in the genius contained within the common southern black vernacular(Hook She was a woman who found her place, though unstable, in a typical male profession. Hurston was born on January 7, 1891 in Eatonville, Florida, the first all-incorporated black town in America. She found a special thing in this town, where she said, "... [I] grew like a like a gourd and yelled bass like a gator," (Gale, 1). When Hurston was thirteen she was removed from school and sent to care for her brother's children. She became a member of a traveling theater at the age of sixteen, and then found herself working as a maid for a white woman. This woman saw a spark that was waiting for fuel, so she arranged for Hurston to attend high school in Baltimore. She also attended Morgan Academy, now called Morgan State University, from which she graduated in June of 1918. She then enrolled in the Howard Prep School followed by later enrollment in Howard University. In 1928 Hurston attended Barnard College where she studied anthropology under Franz Boas. After she graduated, Zora returned to Eatonville to begin work on anthropology. Four years after Hurston received her B.A. from Barnard she enrolled in Columbia University to begin graduate work (Discovering Authors, 2-4). Hurston's life seemed to be going well but she was soon to see the other side of reality. Hurston never stayed at a job for too long, constantly refusing the advances of male employers, which showed part of her strong feminist disposition. But Hurston was still seeking true love throughout her travels and education. At Howard University, Hurston met Herburt Sheen whom she married on May 19, 1927 in St. Augstine, Florida (DA, 2). They divorced shortly after they got married because they could not continue the idealistic dreams they had shared in their youth. Zora Hurston's second marriage to Albert Price III was also short lived. They were married in 1939 and divorced in 1943 (DA, 2). By the mid-1940s Hurston's writing career had began to falter. While living in New York, Hurston was arrested and charged with committing an immoral act with a ten-year-old boy. The charges were later dropped when Hurston proved that she was in another country at the time the incident allegedly took place (Discovering Authors, 3). Hurston already was witnessing the rejection of all of her works submitted to her publisher, but the combined effects of the arrest and the ensuing journalistic attack on her image doomed the majority of her literary career. She wrote to a friend: "I care nothing for writing anything any more... My race has seen fit to destroy me without reason, and with the vilest tools conceived by man so far" (Discovering Authors, 4). In approximately 1950 Hurston returned to Florida, where she worked as a cleaning woman in Rivo Alto. She later moved to Belle Glade, Florida, in hopes of reviving her writing career. She failed and worked as many jobs including: newspaper journalist, librarian, and substitute teacher (Baker, pages.html/chronology.htm). Hurston suffered a stroke in 1959 which demanded her admittance in the Saint Lucie County Florida Welfare Home. She died a broken, penniless, invalid in January 1960 (DA, 5). All of Hurston's trials built the basis for her best work. Therefore, the work that has denoted her as one of the twentieth century's most influential authors did not come until after she had graduated from college. However, the literature she composed in college was by no means inferior. She was a defiant free-spirit even during her early college career. While working on an anthropological study for her mentor, Franz Boas, she was exposed to voo doo, which she quickly embraced. She was deeply interested in the subtle nuances
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
IRITC Press Release Example
IRITC Press Release Example IRITC Press Release – Article Example Press Release Retail Training Solutions Flexibility in training solutions for business people is the contemporary driving factor in contemporary business world. International Retail Industry Training Council (IRITC) takes into account this factor, and therefore, offers retail training solutions that suit the various demands of the different parties that constitute the business world. The diversity of the retail industry has totally been accounted for. This means that IRITC covers almost if not all components of retail training. These components range from introductory, management to operational training solutions, all of which are crucial to the retail industry. The programs employed by IRITC are designed, formulated and implemented in such a way that meets personal and business needs for the retailers. This is a unique way to develop retail-based careers, upgrade retail knowledge and skills and provide retail employers with training solutions that place their entrepreneurial and business ideas and undertakings at a global level. This will ensure continuity, competitiveness and favorable business environment for all parties involved in retail business undertakings. The training packages are flexible, meaning that they can actually be customized to suit individual retail trainees. Since the central operation variable in the council is flexibility, the study programs offered are internationalized and designed in such a way that allows trainees to take their studies wherever they please, any time they are available and at individual pace of study. This press release is meant to sensitize the retail industry about the underlying training solutions opportunities that are available, accessible and offered by IRITC. For more information, contacts can be made through this link: Press Release 2 Revolutionizing the Retail Industry The retail industry is a diverse and dynamic economic component at both local and international contexts. Retail training has for a long time been a study area that remains adequately accounted for. While retail training solutions remain a challenge in terms of availability and access, International Retail Industry Training Council (IRITC) seeks to overhaul this phenomenon. IRITC offers training solutions to the retail industry at all levels that define it. The programs offered in retail training are designed to suit individual needs of the diverse clients locally and internationally. For all retailers seeking retail training and related solutions, IRITC is a revolutionary factor in the industry. Entrepreneurs and business personnel are the key focus in the pursuit of IRITC’s operations. Ranging from individual retailers to employers in the retail industry, IRITC works to develop career, upgrade retail knowledge and skills and offer training solutions to employers in the industry. In so doing, flexibility is a study that IRITC cannot fail to account for. In this regard, retail trainees enrolled in the council training programs are allowed to study from their favorite locations, study at their suitable time and at a speed that suits their personal and business needs. IRITC understands that global trends in the retail industry are diverse and dynamic over time. For this reason, the programs and training solutions made available to IRITC’s clientele are designed to allow monitoring and embracement of industry changes. This is meant to keep the trainees up-to-date in terms of industry trends and more so retail undertakings. An enrolment in IRITC training programs is treated as an investment. Therefore, the return on the trainees’ investments is emphasized. Contacts are open through
Friday, November 22, 2019
Writing Nonfiction for Children
Writing Nonfiction for Children If you can write engaging, informative and fun features for younger readers aged 9 to 12, then children’s nonfiction could be your market. Over several years, I wrote many pieces for publications including Hoezit!, MiniMag and others. Here’s what I learned†¦ Market Guides for Nonfiction Resources for finding places to publish include the Children’s Writers Illustrators Market (published annually) and their website listings, the Society of Childrens Book Writers and Illustrators, Educational Markets for Children’s Writers Pitches that Work Many pitches are seasonal: Things to do for the holidays, movies to watch in winter. Other times, articles discuss fascinating facts related to school subjects like math, science and
Thursday, November 21, 2019
A circumstance in ministry where issues of professional conduct Essay
A circumstance in ministry where issues of professional conduct required exploration - a reflection - Essay Example Anent to these responsibilities, the church is also constituted with peoples of varying educational level, cultural roots, philosophy of life, political paradigms, social influences, strata in the community, familial orientations, standards of relations and their ‘otherness’ including the walls they built or their varying perceptions to almost everything. Ministers or pastors will deal with them everyday with their differences although they may share commonalities. At such context, church ministers and leaders would possibly be handling varied and conflicting responses whenever there are radical structural changes that will disturb the normative processes and operation of the church such as conversing or adding missionary functions to pastoral works (Adair, 2005). Conflicting expectations and assumptions may also get in the way as tension mounts in work-situation or if there are changes in its theological frameworks of service. This situation is further exacerbated with rapid cultural and social changes which can trigger defensive or bewildering reactions due to sudden shift on unfamiliar systems. Sometimes, Ministers will have difficulty convincing people whose reactions are too radical and confrontational, apparently due to fixity of Christian’s symbolical systems or often due to peoples’ fear to change itself (Bayes, Sledge, Holbrook & Rylands, 2006). Often, reactions can trigger conflict situations and if not managed well, co uld escalate to a level that will negatively impact to the church itself. In such context, there is indeed a need to improve the capacity of ministers and pastors to lead effectively by espousing dialogues and discourses to effectively communicate developmental goals for pastoral and ministerial works; promote peacebuilding within and outside the church’s framework; uphold conflict management and
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
During the interview Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
During the interview - Essay Example In this speech, I will explicate what happens during an interview. I would like to bring to your attention that an interview starts immediately the candidate enters the facility hosting the interview. In this regard, it is fundamental to arrive early and be in good behavior both at the waiting room and inside the interview room. As explicated by San Francisco State University Student Involvement and Career Center, the receptionist may also be a part of the recruitment team and may therefore be asked to elucidate a candidates behavior in the waiting room (para. 2). Another point to remember relates to first impressions. Ensuring eye contact with the interviewer confirms a candidates self confidence. Other than eye contact, dressing code helps the panel form an impression about the candidate (Time 118). Since an interview is an official event, interviewees are expected to dress formally. For men, presenting themselves in tucked-in shirts and neat hair gives a positive impression. Conversely, wearing a formal dress or suit as well as plaiting ones hair also gives a positive impression for women. In reference to the interview process, Das, in his book Business Communication, asserts the importance of giving a firm and brief handshake to the panel as introductions are being conducted (154). In essence, a handshake is a sign of respect and etiquette. According to San Francisco State University Student Involvement and Career Center, shaking hands with the panel is a sign of self confidence (para. 2). To begin the interview, the panel in most cases starts the process with reflective language posited by San Francisco State University Student Involvement and Career Center as small talk (para. 3). This is geared towards helping the candidate relieve his or her nervousness. For instance, small talk may revolve around topics such as current news or weather. In other words, small talk is intended to make
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Sleep and behavior Essay Example for Free
Sleep and behavior Essay Less than what others actually presume to be true, sleep is an essential factor of human development especially concerning young-adults. It is important that people begin to recognize this particular fact if they are to assist themselves in developing to becoming well developed in terms of physical and emotional stability, especially during the years of adolescence. This and the other issues concerned with insufficiency of sleep among adolescents shall be discussed within the paper that follows. INSUFFICIENT SLEEP AND ITS EFFECTS ON THE BEHAVIOR AND LEARNING PROCEDURES OF ADOLESCENTS Introduction Sleeping is a highly important part of any individual’s development. It could be obviously observed that those who are having lesser hours spent in sleeping usually have a hard time adjusting to the different challenges that they are supposed to face in their daily activities. This is especially true with those who are involved within the developing years towards adulthood (Punjabi 2004). Most likely, the years that include the adolescent development is within the bracket of those who actually need ample sleep in order to develop properly in terms of behavior, personality as well as with the physical development of the said individuals. It has been noted though that through numerous studies, it has been found out that adolescents are usually having a hard time taking close attention to the way that they sleep (Carskadon Et al 1998). Aside from the fact that they are undergoing numerous physical changes and hormonal adjustments, their want of doing many things actually brings them to the dilemma of having problems with sleeping. Statement of the Problem This is the reason why in this particular paper, the problem of adolescent individuals facing the issues on sleep differences shall be discussed in such a way that the focus of the informations presented would be on the major effects of the said issue upon the physical and behavioral development of the adolescent individuals (Thomas 2004). To be able to outline the said discussion, the following questions shall be carried into consideration: (a) Since adolescents are known to be facing the problems of hormonal changes, how do their bodies react to the said adjustments and how do the changes affect their sleeping patter? (b) It could not be denied that sleeping is a vital part for the human body’s continuous development. If this is the issue, how then could the adolescents face their problems with regards sleeping? Literature Review Sleeping is an essential aspect of growth. For the young ones who are expected to have ample time to regenerate their body systems, it is important that they are getting enough sleep that is supposed to get them going in the morning. Not being able to gain ample sleep may cause different aspects of changes among the said young individuals. According to Wolfson and Carskadon (1998), numerous areas of human development are affected by the human’s sleep pattern. Most likely, this particularly involves both the physical and emotional stability of the individual. Concerning this, the study of the said authors outline the different issues that are related with the issue and the ways by which it could be solved through psychological and activity-based adjustments on the part of the adolescents themselves. Constant consideration of sleep’s importance on the development of one in terms of physical and emotional stability shall help the adolescents realize their need of becoming constantly able to gain the sleep that they are particularly supposed to have (Mukhametova et al). It is undeniable that the major concern in this matter is the way by which the youngsters are able to use the time that they have at the most productive process that could help them grow towards maturity in a better way. The youthful years of a person are his investments towards a better future that is supposed to help him out in becoming a better individual not only for himself but also for the people living around him. In context, as the study itself portrays, the importance of sleep in such a large scope of involvement may not be seen as easy as it is supposed to be by observers. However, if the behavioral developments of the ones who have been gaining ample hours of sleep while they were still at their adolescent years would be observed, the experiences of the said individuals could attest to the fact that they have been well benefited by their discipline in following a considerably reasonable pattern of sleeping. (Walker 2006) Findings According to the studies conducted in an aim of identifying the different effects of the differential sleep pattern of adolescents, there is a special link that makes it easier for the readers to understand the issue being presented within this research as well as with the others that have already been completed. The undeniable fact that links the different researches together is that it is quite noticeable that adolescent individuals are usually having a hard time getting their sleep compare to that of the school-age young ones. Most likely, it has been found out that the different pressures that the said individuals are supposed to face in their own fields of interest [especially including school pressures] they are already having lesser chances of sleeping. This fact includes the idea that the said age actually requires one to spend longer times in recreation than that of the fact that they are interested in being able to rest themselves. (Hobson 1977). This is the reason why most of the adolescent aged individuals experience the shifting hours of their sleep whereas they are usually awake in the evening and are more pushed to sleep in the earlier hours of the morning. At some point, although the body of the individual already insists that sleep be applied for rest, the mind of the individuals chooses not to just because it ought to do something more than just sleeping. Because of the wanting of becoming able to do more, adolescents find it hard to view the importance of sleeping as it is. Discussions As a result of the findings, it has been found out that major adjustments in the behavioral and physical progress of he adolescents could be noted as the years pass. At some point, the changes may not be as obvious as immediately as expected. However, as the behavior of the individuals is to be observed, it could be noted that the changes are massive and thus need serious consideration (Hobson 1977). One of the most significant change is that of obvious depression and massive mood changes within the hours of daily activities of the said adolescents. This particular change occurrence actually makes it harder for the individuals to adjust immediately. However, the changes are usually dependent on the discipline of the individuals themselves. Without the consideration that the individuals put on the importance of sleep in their lives, it is undeniable that the major effects of this problem could not be solved unless discipline is applied well. (Wlaker 2006) Aside from the major mood changes, the study also presents that the academic performance of the young learners is harshly affected. This is mainly because of the fact that the development of the mind depends on one’s sleep patterns. Once the sleep pattern is given a lesser attention, the capability of the mind to perform well becomes strongly destructed. Hence, as a result, poor grades and lesser ability to perform well in their future jobs become one of the most annoying expectations as the problem continuous to persist among young learners at present. (Walker 2006) Conclusion As repeatedly mentioned in this research, sleep is an undeniable part of human development. Most of the time however, it is one factor that most people least care about. Because of the fact that some [especially the adolescent individuals] see it as a mere loosing of time, they are less able to enjoy the fact that they are able to regain their strength and their thinking ability through attaining ample time for sleeping and resting. However hard it may seem to get some sleep for young learners today because of the busy lifestyle that they are particularly accustomed with, it is always essential to take notice of the importance of sleep as a major factor of human growth and development. As noted earlier, failure to gain the ample hours of sleep may result to dreadful situations for the adolescent individual. It is not only the behavior of the individual that is being jeopardized by the said lack of discipline in attaining the sleep necessary for resting one’s body and mind, the capabilities and the skills of the person are also being directly affected as well. Hence, taking the necessary actions needed to fix the said issue should be well considered. Scheduling the activities as well as arranging the activities for the day should be well recognized as an essential factor of human discipline. Moreover, applying the said suggestions would not only solve the issues brought about by lack of sleep, it would also regulate the capabilities of the individual to perform well in his own appointed tasks. References: Walker, Matthew P. (2006), Sleep to Remember, American Scientist 94 (4): pp. 326-333. Van Dongen HP, Maislin G, Mullington JM, Dinges DF. The cumulative cost of additional wakefulness: dose-response effects on neurobehavioral functions and sleep physiology from chronic sleep restriction and total sleep deprivation. Sleep. 2003 Mar 15;26(2):117–26. Hobson, J. A. , McCarley, R. (1977). The brain as a dream state generator: An activation-synthesis hypothesis of the dream process. American Journal of Psychiatry, 134, 1335–1348. Mukhametova LM; Supina AY, Polyakovaa IG (1977-10-14). Interhemispheric asymmetry of the electroencephalographic sleep patterns in dolphins. Brain Research 134 (3): pp. 581–584. Gilmartin G, Thomas R (Nov 2004). Mechanisms of arousal from sleep and their consequences. . Curr Opin Pulm Med 10 (6): 468-74. PMID 15510052. Gottlieb D, Punjabi N, Newman A, Resnick H, Redline S, Baldwin C, Nieto F (Apr 25 2005). Association of sleep time with diabetes mellitus and impaired glucose tolerance. . Arch Intern Med 165 (8): 863-7. PMID 15851636. Wolfson Carskadon. (August 1998). Sleep Schedules and Daytime Functioning in Adolescents. Child Development Volume 69 Number 4.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Computer Information Systems :: Computers Technology Training Careers Essays
Computer Information Systems It is essential for every company to look into types of training. In the day and age that we live in technology and computer information systems are always changing. By the time people learn new information there is something else new to learn. This has been evident throughout history. There will always be the need to for companies to train employees. Many companies rely on computer information systems that work with human relations, marketing, and other essential departments in the company. For many businesses, the computer information systems have become a necessity. In order to compete and grow many companies rely on theses systems. They have proven to be great investments when successfully implemented. As a company expands its business to use computer information systems, there is a need to train staff, and in many instances hire experienced people. Even if the new staff knows all about computer information systems, it is highly recommended that other employees become familiar with the new type of business. This is important so the employees can be agile without the need to train new people. Many areas of training go along with having computer information systems. Some of these areas are web development, graphics, database management, operations management, and marketing. All of these areas are taught in various training courses. Some of the topics require vast amounts of training, such as graphics and database management. On the other hand, much of the web maintenance can be done easily and without much training. When deciding on the type of training, many factors must be taken into account. It is up to management what types of training they should use based on time, money, and many other factors. In real world cases there have been failures with the implementation of computer information systems, whether they were ERP or any other type of system. It is essential for management to take the necessary precautions and steps in order to have a successful immersion of the new system. Possible Computer Information System Training Methods There are many ways that a company can train its employees. When the decision is made that training is needed, one might chose to hire a company to come in and train the employees. This is referred to as onsite training. Many companies do this and many advantages are associated with it for example, the company keeps the employees on site and removes the need to travel.
Monday, November 11, 2019
How Can Public Diplomacy Complement “Hard Power†Tactics in International Affairs?
Hard power is a term used to describe power that is acquired from the use of military and/or economic force to influence the behaviour or interests of other political entities. As the name might imply, this type of political power is often aggressive, and is most effective when imposed by one political body upon another of lesser military and/or economic power. What it boils down to is: Do what we want. If you don't, we will inflict undesirable damage on your person, citizenry, economy, security forces, crops, well water, et cetera. Hard power is mostly placed in the International Relations field of Realism, where military power is seen as the expression of a state’s strength in the international community. While the existence of hard power has a long history, the term arose when Joseph Nye coined ‘soft power' as a fresh and different form of power in a State's foreign policy. Nye defined soft power as â€Å"the ability to get what you want through attraction rather than through coercion. †He also said that soft power â€Å"could be developed through relations with allies, economic assistance, and cultural exchanges. He argued that this would result in â€Å"a more favourable public opinion and credibility abroad. †By engaging both forms of power, hard and soft, one is then employing ‘smart power’. Another term defined by Joseph Nye, it was endorsed by Hilary Clinton: â€Å"We must use what has been called smart power  the full range of tools at our disposal â ۠diplomatic, economic, military, political, legal, and cultural  picking the right tool, or combination of tools, for each situation. With smart power, diplomacy will be the vanguard of foreign policy. Ideas matter, and a country’s ability to promote ideals to citizens of other nations and societies, known as public diplomacy (PD), can work wonders to advance the national interest. By taking a look at case studies, we will examine whether PD can complement hard power tactics and thus we will see if ‘smart power’ is really viable in practice. The U. S strategy of hard power and public diplomacy in the Cold War During the Cold War, the world was divided in two, as the two super-powers attempted to gain support from neutral parties while offsetting the actions of their opponent. The United States and Russia were more or less equally matched in military and political strength and this resulted in a stalemate. With hard power abilities alone proving ineffective at turning the tide in any direction it meant that another means of demonstrating global dominance would be required. The basic strategy of the US during the Cold War was containment using military, economic, and diplomatic strategies to stop the spread of Communism, boost America’s security and influence abroad, and avert a â€Å"domino effect†. The concept of containment was proposed by diplomat George Kennan in the notorious Long Telegram . Kennan argued that the only way to defeat the spread of Communism was to suffocate it. Containment had two major policies associated with it, the Truman Doctrine and the Marshall Plan and was a reaction to a string of moves by the Soviet Union to expand Communist influence in Eastern Europe, China, and Korea. It represented a middle-ground position between appeasement and rollback. The Truman Doctrine was a robust plan that that pledged military support to the nations struggling against communist pressures. It was announced By President Truman in his 1947 address to congress after the United Kingdom informed the United States that it no longer had the capabilities to aid Greece and Turkey in their struggle against Soviet tensions. In the address he declared that the United States would â€Å"support free peoples who are resisting attempted subjugation by armed minorities or by outside pressures. †The Truman Doctrine displayed the U. S objective to respond to any further expansion with military forceâ€â€the hard power element of containment. The Truman Doctrine was the justification for considerable injections of American money into European economic recovery to counteract the development of social and political unrest. This ambitious aid plan was called the Marshall Plan after the secretary of state at the time. General Marshall proposed the plan with two intentions: to assist in the rebuilding of Europe and to win the â€Å"hearts and minds†of the citizens most vulnerable to the reach of communism. The act of benevolence was accepted by the United States’ European allies after a phase of negotiations, but was discarded by the Soviets and other members of the Eastern Bloc. The Marshall Plan represented a significant early application of U. S. soft power and the vital non-military aspect of US policies of containment. Containment is an excellent example of a successful balance of hard and soft power. The policies they implemented in this process served to strengthen relations with â€Å"at-risk†countries in Europe while at the same time sending a strong message to the Soviet Union th at the United States would react strongly to any further Soviet expansion. In fact, containment was so successful, that many experts consider it the leading cause of the Soviet collapse. Another prime example of this PD was the cultural exchanges which saw tens of thousands of Soviet students go to America to study. These exchanges enabled many Soviet citizens, especially in the upper and middle reaches of society, to see the United States with their own eyes. The students would then go back to the USSR and some even occupied roles of influence and played important roles in the peaceful demise of the Soviet Union As I mentioned earlier, Public Diplomacy serves to make one’s country and ideals more attractive to citizens of other countries. One way that the U. S achieved this during the Cold War was by setting up organizations such as Radio Free Europe/Radio Lib ¬erty (RFE/RL), the Voice of America (VOA), and the United States Information Agency (USIA) which communi ¬cated the ideals of democracy, individual rights, and the free market. U. S. officials distin ¬guished America's truthful approach from the lies and deceptions of classic Nazi and Soviet propa ¬ganda and therefore the term â€Å"public diplomacy†came into general use by the 1970s to reflect this critical dif ¬ference. In fact it was noted by Edward R. Murrow, then director of the USIA, that â€Å"truth is the best propaganda and lies are the worst. †Nye remarks that Pop culture also featured largely in the U. S arsenal as it transmits widely â€Å"American values that are open, mobile, individualistic, anti-establishment, pluralistic, populist, and free. †â€Å"Long before the Berlin Wall fell in 1989; it had been pierced by television and movies. The hammers and bulldozers would not have worked without the years-long transmission of images of the popular culture of the West before it fell. In the end, the promotion of these values contributed mightily to the nearly bloodless dissolution of the Soviet Empire. China’s public diplomacy in Africa In recent years, China has looked to complement its long-established employment of hard power with soft power, and as a consequence, the Chinese government has devoted a lot of consideration to public diplomacy. In the past, Chinese g overnments have demonstrated a limited understanding of public diplomacy, viewing it either as external propaganda or a form of internal public affairs, but this has not prevented China from becoming a killed public diplomacy player. Public diplomacy and hard power are not only used in situations of war or tension between countries. One can look at Chinese relationship with Africa for a prime example of public diplomacy employed to strengthen economic relations. Africa has resources that China needs and so China views other countries, mainly this in the West, as a direct competitor for African resources. That is why they needed to establish such strong relationship with Africa. A strategy to block out competitors would require a deep partnership of trust (gained with PD), or coercion (Hard Power). The Chinese opted for the trust route as they believed it would be more cost-effective in the long run to establish a trust and understanding. Relationships begin with dialogues. The goal is to build trust. Trust cannot be manufactured, it has to be earned. China-African relations have steadily deepened and strengthened since the founding of â€Å"new China†in 1949. Developing from the ideologically-driven interactions during the Cold War, today’s China-Africa relations combine pragmatic economic and political means to achieve China’s objective of establishing a world order that is peaceful and favourable to continued economic growth and stability at home. In the 1960s and 1970s, China supported liberation movements in several African countries, gave aid to socialist nations to build stadiums, hospitals, railroads and other infrastructure, and cemented relations through a steady stream of expert engineers, teachers, and doctors. Today, Chinese officials travel to Africa accompanied by bankers and businesspeople, promoting political and economic commerce that develops China-Africa ties in a sustainable fashion. While trade and diplomacy are driven by China’s newfound economic strength and subsequent demand for raw materials, China continues to support longstanding programs that deliver aid to impoverished African citizens, such as sending teams of doctors and providing medicines. There are a number of reasons why China makes for such an appealing partner to many African countries. China’s attitude towards bilateral relations and economic development offers a different alternative to the political and economic reforms pushed forward by the â€Å"West†. China has adopted a firm stance of respect for other nations’ sovereignty and persistently refuses to condemn or involve itself in the internal affairs of African nations. This attitude has earned it the respect of those leaders and elite individuals and groups that profited from poor governance and crooked political systems and so they are not so keen on applying tedious and costly economic reforms insisted on by the West. In order to demonstrate to Africa how sincere and beneficial their friendship with China is, Beijing drafted a policy on Africa. China reportedly gets over a quarter of its oil from Africa , so it is not surprising it's interested in building up and maintaining relations on the continent. At the start of the millennium, Beijing established the China-Africa Cooperation Forum (CACF) to encourage trade and investment with 44 African countries. In 2003, Prime Minister Wen visited several oil-producing African states accompanied by Chinese oil executives, and President Hu toured Algeria, Egypt, and Gabon. China has been collaborating with governments in the Gulf of Guinea, from Angola to Nigeria, as well as with the Central African Republic, Chad, Congo, Libya, Niger, and Sudan. In mid-January 2006, China issued an African foreign policy paper. China has laid out the strategy for all to see and it is divided into six parts: 1. Africa's Position and Role 2. China's Relations with Africa 3. China's African Policy 4. Enhancing All-round Cooperation between China and Africa 5. Forum on China-Africa Cooperation and Its Follow-up Actions 6. China's Relations with African Regional Organizations The document is made as accessible as possible on the internet. It is written in simple English which means that it is easy to read even for those who do not have an exceptionally strong command of the language. This document is a perfect demonstration of public diplomacy. The Chinese are doing a superb job in the region. China's relationship with the public goes further than building prestige buildings for the public and the public themselves get to choose whether they want a sports stadium or a government building. In addition, television in the area is becoming more and more English language transitions from China. By backing up its economic interests with so much soft power, China has been put on a moral high-ground when compared to other global players. EU integration and public diplomacy One of the most successful initiatives to embody the principles of effective public diplomacy was the establishment of the European Coal and Steel Community in the 1950’s which has now evolved into the European Union. European integration is the process of mainly political, legal, social and economic integration of European states, which these days is primarily achieved through the European Union and the Council of Europe. Attempts at European integration emerged originally after the devastation of the Second World War and the desire of European countries to integrate so much so as to eliminate the possibility of another European war. The main intention behind integrating economically and politically is that the smaller European countries have more influence in international matters such as trade and world politics. A ‘kind of United States of Europe’ was called for by Winston Churchill and in 1950 the German and French politicians, Robert Schuman and Jean Monnet, proposed a common market for coal and steel for those countries willing to delegate control of these sectors of their economies to an independent authority. In 1951 the Treaty of Paris was signed by the leaders of six European countries; Belgium, the Netherlands, Luxembourg, France and West Germany. This treaty founded the European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC) creating a common market in which the industries that were crucial for war were controlled thus preventing the unilateral rearmament of any of its member states, particularly Germany. The ECSC enjoyed economic and political success which spurred the six member states to sign the Treaty of Rome in 1957 and establish the European Economic Community (EEC), which was transformed into the European Community from 1967 in the Merger Treaty. In 1993 the Maastricht Treaty transformed the ECSC into the European Union and European integration became less and less about the ‘negative’ removal of barriers, and more and more about ‘positive’, active harmonization. The EU has steadily been evolving as a diplomatic power in its own right. To demonstrate this, we need to look at the broad sweep of the development of an EU diplomatic corps over time; where it came from, how few of them there originally were, how little they did, and how these details compare with trends today. The European Union practices public diplomacy through a multilayered framework of policies and programs, relying both on its Representations in member-states, as well as its Delegations abroad – it now has diplomatic delegations in over 150 countries, employing over 5,000 members of staff. With its internal communication strategy the Union aims to engage EU-citizens more closely in its political life and to create a sense of common identity. Its communication strategy for enlargement, on the other hand, is designed to explain the goals and responsibilities of the European project to countries that aspire to become member states as well as to promote the benefits of enlargement to Euro-sceptics inside the EU. The European Neighbourhood Policy provides another layer of regional integration and governance and is directed towards the EU's immediate neighbours by land and sea, primarily developing countries, who seek one day to become either member states of the European Union itself, or more closely integrated with the economy of the European Union. Finally, through its network of Delegations abroad, the EU aims to assert itself on the international stage and regulates its relations with â€Å"third†countries. Although basically aimed at developing a public diplomacy capability, most of the outreach activities of the EU are not officially referred to as â€Å"public diplomacy†, but are described as information and communication campaigns, or education and cultural exchange programs. These efforts are intended not only to inform and explain the workings of EU institutions but also to socialize into the norms and values of the Union. The European Commission is the institution responsible for conducting the Union's diplomacy and public diplomacy efforts. While other EU bodies have also initiated public diplomacy programs, the Commission is the one providing the executive action. Since the creation of the ECSC in 1950 member states have achieved great success in integrating socially, economically and politically between themselves however there are still many difficulties to be overcome and the process of integration will never be complete. Much progress has been made to create an integrated EU diplomatic service and this will continue to be utilized alongside hard power economic and political policies to develop the EU as strong and coherent body of states. Conclusion As we have seen in these case studies, when hard power is coupled with soft power, especially public diplomacy, it creates a most effective product – more effective than the sum of its parts. The European Union for example has been seen as a civilian power. It has no army even though this is one of the areas where unity would bring an obvious increase in efficiency and influence. It relies on law, on negotiation, on multilateral organisation. Its relationships are often in the form of â€Å"contractual agreements†, itself a revealing phrase. It seems a model of soft power, as America is of hard power. Even China, a country based on hard power, has realised the effectiveness of adding a strong public diplomacy to its repertoire. Realists have a preference for hard power. Otto von Bismarck is famous for the remark that â€Å"this policy cannot succeed through speeches †¦and songs; it can be carried out only through blood and iron†. In a twist of irony however Bismarck’s blood and iron was not the solution to the German question. By 1945 Germany had had enough of both: they had undermined Bismarck’s achievement of unification and had led to the ruin of Germany. In today’s world it is more important than ever to be able to effectively combine hard and soft power to form smart power. Even one of the greatest military men of all time, realised the importance complementing hard power with soft when he famously stated that: â€Å"There are but two powers in the world, the sword and the mind. In the long run the sword is always beaten by the mind. †– Napoleon Bonaparte Bibliography Bonaparte, Napoleon (1769-1821), ‘Napoleon Bonaparte Quotes’, http://www. military-quotes. com/Napoleon. htm Carnes Lord – Helle C. Dale, Public Diplomacy and the Cold War: Lessons Learned, in the Heritage Foundation (online) 18 September 2007 http://www. heritage. rg/Research/nationalSecurity/bg2070. cfm [accessed 28 January 2010] Drew Thompson, China’s Soft Power in Africa: from the â€Å"Beijing consensus†to health diplomacy, China Brief: Volume 5, Issue 21 (October 13, 2005) Joseph S. Nye Jr, Soft Power: A Means to Success in World Politics. Public Affairs, New York. 2004. Joseph S. Nye Jr, Soft Power, Hard Power and Leadership. Seminar , 27 October 06. http://www. hks. harvard. edu/netgov/files/talks/docs/11_06_06_seminar_Nye_HP_SP_Leadership. pdf Lee Rotherham, EU Diplomats, (online) in TaxpayersAlliance. com http://www. taxpayersalliance. om/EUDiplomats. pdf Matt Armstrong, Practicing Effective Public Diplomacy in Africa (or elsewhere). Blog – MountainRunner. US (online). February 8 2006 http://mountainrunner. us/2006/02/practicing_effe. html [accessed 28 January 2010] Robert Cooper, Hard power, Soft power and the Goals of Diplomacy, in David Held/Mathias Koenig-Archibugi, American Power in the 21st Century, 2004, pp. 167-180 Rory D Huff Jr, U. S. Applications of Hard and Soft Power (online) http://www. personal. psu. edu/cpl2/blogs/powerforce/Huff%20on%20Hard%20and%20Soft%20Power. pdf [accessed 28 January 2010]
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Comparison of King Richard III and Looking for Richard Essay
Examinations of Shakespeare’s play ‘King Richard III’ and Pacino’s docu-drama ‘Looking for Richard’ reveals relationships between the texts and their respective audience. The fifteenth century and twentieth century contexts demonstrates the values of each text and enables understanding of how the film enriches the ideas presented in the play. ‘King Richard III’ portrays a hateful, corrupted Richard exploring divine justice and the notion of appearance versus reality in the context of the Elizabethan era. With a time difference of four centuries ‘Looking for Richard’ reflects the Pacino’s quest to understand a Shakespearean text through a personal examination of the same character. This docu-drama reflects the postmodern era’s absence of divine order and the change of conscience. Through the comparative study of these texts our understanding of different contexts and values are illuminated. Shakespeare portrays Richard’s deception through his soliloquies and asides, revealing his multifaceted nature. Richard is shown to use intelligent word play, irony and stichomythia; he is ultimately cast as the Machiavellian character â€Å"determined to play a villain†. Richard blames his appearance for his immoral acts â€Å"deformed, unfinished, sent before my time†and uses it to fulfill his hunger for power. Richard’s duplicity is emphasized when Clarence is sent to the tower. Any sympathy elicited from the audience is undermined by the thick irony in the dialogue. Richard appears to have no idea what is going on and innocently asks â€Å"Brother, good day. What means this armed guard/ That waits upon your grace?†Richard then tries to act like the loving brother â€Å"Brother farewell†¦ this deep disgrace/ Touches me deeper than you can imagine†. The Elizabethan audience is reassured that divine order will be restored and retribut ion will be reaped, Richard will be punished for his deceptive act. ‘Looking for Richard’ reflects the values of its society as Pacino attempts make Shakespeare accessible to a twentieth century audience. The film begins and ends with an intertextual extract from ‘The Tempest’ justifying the ambiguity of the twentieth century â€Å"†¦this insubstantial pageant†¦such stuff that dreams are made on†¦Ã¢â‚¬ reinforcing that life cannot provide us with stability in the search for the truth and morality as it is endless, unlike the Elizabethan era. Pacino’s portrayal of Richard shows his ability to deceive those who trust him â€Å"he’s in good shape. He can move around. He can maneuver†. He plays the villain, loving brother, resistant king and desperate lover with skill. The fluid editing between rehearsal scenes, the staged performances and the actors’ heated discussions reveal Richard’s ability to construct the truth. Richard’s punishment is not God’s divine r etribution as he is haunted by his conscience. The final scene almost persuades the audience to feel sympathy in his death. Low angle shots reflect his loss of power. A contemporary audience understands that humans are multifaceted and do not condemn his deception as instantaneously as the Shakespearean audience. ‘King Richard III’ depicts Richard’s character through divine order and justice. Richard attempts to usurp authority as king being the catalyst of chaotic events. Richard removes anyone that acts as a barrier, including his own family â€Å"lies well steeled with weighty arguments†. His hunger for power results in his diabolic depiction â€Å"foul devil†, as he attempts to disturb divine order. The text was set in a theocentric society, God will seek retribution to anyone who goes against his will, demonstrated by Shakespeare when Margaret curses Richard for killing her husband and son â€Å"sin, death and hell have their marks set on him†. Richards disruption to moral order caused chaos, therefore divine order had to be restored. Richard had to pay the ultimate price for his sins â€Å"Hie thee to hell for shame†¦ there thy kingdom is†as justification in the Elizabethan era. ‘Looking for Richard’ ignores Richardsâ₠¬â„¢ villainous chaos, instead targeting the audience who live in a world where importance is placed on the individual. This is evident when Pacino states â€Å"A person has an opinion. It’s only an opinion. It’s never a question of right or wrong.†The dialogue demonstrates that theocratic elements are no longer universally accepted. The film juxtaposes twentieth century values with those of the Elizabethan people to show that people are guided only by their own morals. This is shown as Pacino chooses to focus the conversation of Clarence’s murderers on their own individual guilty consciences â€Å"Faith, certain dregs of conscience are here within me†. Pacino chooses to cut out the religious rhetoric to stress that Elizabethan values seem irrelevant to the contemporary audience. Rapid camera movements portray Richard as a tormented, psychologically unstable man. He becomes haunted by the ghost of his conscience and is punished by his madness rather than his death. ‘Looking for Richard’ proves there is no fear of retribution, only the impact of their immoral behaviour on their identity. In our contemporary context justice is displayed as of individuals own psychological destruction and guilt, rathe r than endorsed by God. The analysis of â€Å"King Richard III†by Shakespeare and â€Å"Looking for Richard†by Al Pacino extends our understanding of the values and contexts of the texts and the attributes they share. Shakespeare’s Elizabethan audience valued religion and God’s restoration of rigid order as Pacino’s twentieth century audience have no decisive spiritual references and live in a world where independence is placed on the individual. The contextual comparison of the texts furthers our understanding of the values portrayed within two largely diverse time periods.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Marine corps motivation Essay Example
Marine corps motivation Essay Example Marine corps motivation Essay Marine corps motivation Essay 10 November 1775: I was born in a bomb crater. My mother was an M16 and my father was the Devil. Each moment that I live is an additional threat upon your life. I eat concertina, piss napalm, and I can shoot a round through a fleas ass at 300 meters. I am a rough looking, roving soldier of the sea. I am cocky, self-centered, overbearing, and do not know the meaning of fear, for I am fear itself. I am a green amphibious monster, made of blood and guts, who arose from the sea, I travel the lobe, festering on anti-Americans everywhere I go for, the love of Mom, Chevrolet, baseball, and apple pie. Im a grunt. Im the dirty, nasty, stinky, sweaty, filthy, beautiful little son of a bitch thats kept wolf away from the door for over 235 years. Im a United States marine, we look like soldiers, talk like sailors, and slap the shit out of both of them. We stole the eagle from the Air Force, the rope from the Army, and the anchor from the Navvy. And on the 7th Day, when God rested, we overran His perimeter, stole the globe, and weve been running the show ever since. Warrior by day, lover by night, drunkard by choice, Marine by God. Simper Fidelis The United States Marine Corps is the best in world, Oorah! mark as favorite buy united states marine corps mugs shirts usmc marine us marine corps the marines eagle globe and anchor by 1stMarDiv January 18, 2011 add a video add an image 253 up, 26 down
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
How to Make Thermite With Aluminum from an Etch-a-Sketch
How to Make Thermite With Aluminum from an Etch-a-Sketch You may have learned about exothermic reactions in chemistry class. In an exothermic reaction, chemicals interact and release heat and often light. Burning wood is an exothermic reaction. So is rusting of iron, although the reaction is so slow you dont notice much going on. You can react iron much more quickly and spectacularly using the thermite reaction, which burns aluminum. The classic method of performing the reaction involves iron oxide, aluminum powder, and magnesium, but you can make do with household materials: 50 grams of finely powdered rust (Fe2O3)15 grams of aluminum powder (Al) Iron Oxide Collect rust from a rusted iron object, such as rust from a wet steel wool pad. Alternatively, you can use magnesite as your iron compound, which may be collected by running a magnet through beach sand. Aluminum This is where your Etch-a-Sketch comes into play. The powder inside an Etch-a-Sketch is aluminum. If you crack open the Etch-a-Sketch, you have the perfect complement to the iron oxide from the previous step. However, if you cant find an Etch-a-Sketch, you can grind aluminum foil in a spice mill. No matter how you get it, wear a mask when dealing with aluminum powder because you dont want to breathe it in. Wash your hands and everything after working with the stuff. Etch-a-Sketch Thermite Reaction This is insanely easy. Just be sure to choose a location away from anything flammable. Use eye protection when viewing the reaction, since a lot of light is emitted. Mix together the iron oxide and aluminum.Use a sparkler to light the mixture.Move away from the reaction and let it burn to completion before cleaning it up. Once it is cool, you can pick up the molten metal and examine it. You can use a propane torch instead of a sparkler to initiate the reaction, but try to maintain your distance as much as possible.
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Corporate environmental management (Business Subject) Assignment - 2
Corporate environmental management (Business Subject) - Assignment Example Although the history and evolution of a concept might seem unimportant, it could help us predict the future trend and flaws that will appear. If it can be remembered the 1972 conference on the Human Environment in Stockholm, Sweden, attended by 113 states and representatives from 19 international organizations, was the 1st truly international conference devoted exclusively to environmental issues. There a group of 27 experts articulated the link between environment and development stating although in individual instances there were conflicts between environment and economic priorities, they were two sides of the same coin (Reinhardt & Vietor, 1969). Another result of the Stockholm conference was the creation of the United Nations Environmental Programme {UNEP} which has the mission to provide leadership and encourage partnership in caring for the environment by inspiring, informing and enabling nations and people to improve their future generations? It should be noted that the term corporate environment management is a means by which companies and government departments act to realize their impacts on the environment and therefore work to improve their performance in this area through encouraging their suppliers, customers and partners to act the same way. You will discover that in the world the Hong Kong Government has undertaken initiatives since 1994 to improve its green management. The private sector has also been urged to follow suit (Darabaris, 2007) . My opinion is that the Starkist managers made a right decision because it was a move aimed at ensuring sustainability as advocated for by the Brundtland commission. Sustainable utilization of the environment is one of the issues that are currently making headlines on environment issues. In the day to use of environment to meet the daily needs there is need to take into account future generation, what is described as
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